Yesterday morning, i read to Mr. DF from "The Art of Loving". Later, in a totally unrelated event, in talking to Mr. M about his commitment ceremony, he said that one of the readings came from a Erich Fromm book. It was exactly the same passage:
"One neglects to see an important factor in love, that of will. To love somebody is not just a strong feeling--it is a decision, it is a judgement, it is a promise. If love were only a feeling, there would be no basis for the promise to love each other forever. A feeling comes and it may go. How can I judge that it will stay forever, if my actions do not involve judgement and decision?"
"One neglects to see an important factor in love, that of will. To love somebody is not just a strong feeling--it is a decision, it is a judgement, it is a promise. If love were only a feeling, there would be no basis for the promise to love each other forever. A feeling comes and it may go. How can I judge that it will stay forever, if my actions do not involve judgement and decision?"