
a blog with cultural bulimia.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

as seen in craiglist:

females and gay men pay attention, cool apt. avail. in april
Reply to:
Date: 2004-02-11, 5:20PM EST

Do you like boys? How about small spaces? Noisy neighbors? Dead animals in the wall? No privacy? Well then this place is for you! It's a 2 bedroom, small and cozy, but quiant and cute. I tell you no lies, it ain't Trump Towers but it comes a close second (when you're really drunk). If you're looking for space, move to fucking Bushwick(East Williamsburg my ass...still the ghetto, will always be).

This is what I want: Non-smoker, educated and smart, gainfully employed or a trust-fund kid, passive and quiet, clean, clean, clean, and financially responsible.

This is what I DO NOT want: Hookers, bitches, johns, queens, addicts of any kind, unemployed every other week, bad body odor, straight mommas' boys, mooks, geeks, illegal aliens, fat girls with low-self-esteem or high-maintenance skinny cunts, girls with ex-boyfriends with the tendency to stalk them and anyone over 35 or under 24.

ME: anal-retintive, assertive, quiet, clean, work every day, anal-retintive, manic every other day, laid back when not being manic or anal retintive, asian.