
a blog with cultural bulimia.

Saturday, April 24, 2004

i heart the w3

heather champ: One Tree, Bryant Street
  1. beh-loh oh-ree-zohn-chee
    the place where i was born: a web site about feeling rather than information
  2. Law & Order
    Jerry Orbach Films His Last Scenes as Lennie Briscoe
  3. Ruavista Magazine - Signs of the City
    the reason why I love the web so much. It combines my passion for graphics, places and new knowledge - and the fact I found it by accident while looking for information about Rocinha to illustrate my previous post. Selected links:
    Library of Numbers found in streets.
    Signs of Love: Brazilian Motels signs and facades (THE WORD "motel" in Brazil designates a hotel that rents rooms from one hour to twenty-four hours to couples who are in search of intimacy and discretion, since they are either cheating or, more commomly, still live with their parents)
    Disappearing Florida
    14 to 42: New York City Signs
    Negative Space
    Streets of Amazonia
  4. colorstrology
    PANTONE attempts to combine colors with astrology. Here's the color for my birthday. Like J-Walk, who pointed me to the site, I really hate my color!