
a blog with cultural bulimia.

Thursday, May 13, 2004


lulaTo bring you up-to-date: The Times had an article last Sunday especulating that the Brazilian President's drinking was affecting his performance. And ran the picture on the right, taken during Oktoberfest in Brazil (I know it sounds odd but the south of the country is heavily germanic). The Brazilian Government expelled the journalist who wrote the article. The NYT stands behind his report. Today's Times:
The article, ('Brazilian Leader's Tippling Becomes National Concern') written by Larry Rohter, the Rio de Janeiro bureau chief, and published on Sunday, reported publicly expressed concerns about Mr. da Silva's drinking habits. It said, 'Some of his countrymen have begun wondering if their president's predilection for strong drink is affecting his performance in office.

And the soap-opera unfolds...
what would bush do?