
a blog with cultural bulimia.

Sunday, September 05, 2004


 "Medulla, by Björk (Elektra/Aslyum). For her latest trick—Björk goes a cappella. The abstract, multi-tracked vocals on Medulla aren't exactly doo-wop, though. One song could be "Bobby McFerrin in the wake of an alien abduction," says the Boston Globe; another "sounds like a cat coughing up a hairball," according to the New York Sun. Nonetheless, critics aren't put off: As Pitchfork muses, "Björk's emotional impact seems dependent on one's fascination with her," and most do seem awed by her sublimity. "She encompasses multitudes; her persona can be as large as a planet or a galaxy," raves Jon Pareles in the New York Times (who reveals an interesting theory on how "austerity rules" in modern music). Also lost in music is Rolling Stone, happily drowning in a "heavenly orgy of angelic choirs and gigabytes of technology." The Village Voice stays relatively grounded, calling Medulla's songs "polygraph poems, measuring the biofeedback of creation and desire.""
via slate.