
a blog with cultural bulimia.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Great people of Pennsylvania:

Let him be gone!
Republican Sen. Rick Santorum, one of the most vulnerable incumbents facing re-election this November, said Friday he has $9.5 million in cash for the remaining months of the campaign. (...) The conservative Santorum has trailed Casey by double digits in polls in a state that went for Democrats Al Gore in 2000 and John Kerry in 2004. ABC News
I'm with Dan Savage when it comes to Santorum

Remember back in August, 2004 when I was hired to dress up as Benjamin Franklin at a party for Rick Santorum. I wanted to die. Which I almost did a few days later. Oh, c'mon, lighten up. Cuz I have.

Well, the greatest political commentator of this century, Jon Stewart, tests your Rick Santorum knowledge.